Testimonials galih February 15, 2021

Top Clients Reviews

I suffer from chronic fatigue. I have been to numerous doctors and have had much lab work done in an effort to determine the cause. No cause has been found along with no treatment provided to help me to be more functional. As a speech-language pathologist, I can work more in a profession because of kratom. I truly love kratom.
John Doe Kratom User


I believe this is the most effective and safest way for me to treat and get relief from all of my above listed ailments, and I get all that by taking 2.5 grams of this leaf twice a day.
Herman Miller Kratom User
This powdered LEAF significantly ameliorates my CHRONIC PAIN associated with: OSTEOARTHRITIS, HERNIATED DISK, SPINAL STENOSIS and severe FIBROMYALGIA--almost as effective as a correct opiate and just as effective as a Lyrica/Neurontin dose, but also melts away my ANXIETY and DEPRESSION. My mood, focus, energy, and productivity are all also elevated
Jhon vick Kratom User
Many people who would benefit greatly from the relief Kratom provides for chronic pain and other ailments will never try it because they trust the credibility of the wrong people and misunderstand and mistake false claims and silly drug associations and absurd opinions utterly lacking any evidence or statistical data for facts. To the open-minded, educated people who appreciate facts and personal testimonials who suffer
Crist Deaney Kratom User
I do not experience any side-effects and if I had to choose between my 3200mg of Neurontin (800mg x4) and 375mg of Lyrica (75mg x5) per day OR 2.5 grams of Maeng Da x2, I would choose the Kratom (Maeng Da is a red strain) so I understand the political agenda fueled by the pharmaceutical industry to have it banned due to the fact that Kratom threatens their profits. The testimonials speak for themselves, but personal experience is even greater. Thank GOD I do not fall for the scare tactics that local news stations, law enforcement, various "drug awareness" groups, sell-out politicians, etc. and their campaign against this LEAF
Malay rose Kratom User
I take between 2 to 2.5 grams of powdered the Red Maeng Da or Red Borneo strain twice a day in capsules. I would recommend starting with a gram, then go up 500mg from there after 30 minutes as needed. Relief lasts about 7 hours. Higher doses for those who have experience and regular use with Kratom will typically feel a pleasant relaxation that can induce a serene, restful sleep
Alexander Harvard Kratom User
This powdered LEAF significantly ameliorates my CHRONIC PAIN associated with: OSTEOARTHRITIS, HERNIATED DISK, SPINAL STENOSIS and severe FIBROMYALGIA--almost as effective as a correct opiate and just as effective as a Lyrica/Neurontin dose, but also melts away my ANXIETY and DEPRESSION. My mood, focus, energy, and productivity are all also elevated
Jeremy Girard Kratom User

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Tom Harry